Jammu, October 05: Talking about preservation of environment and no to ‘VIP culture’ is one thing and actually showing it on ground is quite another particularly in a state like Jammu and Kashmir where rhetoric is synonymous with politicians and high morals are reserved only for public speeches.
However there are certain politicians who come as silver lining showing the way how a beginning can be made even if for the sake of symbolism.
Such a beginning was made by the Member Legislative Council (MLC) Surender Mohan Ambardar on Saturday when he pedaled his way to Legislative Council on a Bicycle sending a bunch of messages together for the law makers and the public to follow.
Ambardars symbolic gesture is a welcome step towards preservation of environment, saying no to VIP culture and mingling with masses at a place highly sensitive from security point of view that too for a migrant Kashmiri Pandit who was nominated as Member Legislative Council by the current government.
The gesture needs to be emulated by all the lawmakers including ministers to involve themselves in saving the fragile environment of the state as well as saying no to VIP culture which is becoming a nationwide phenomenon in India.
While the Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed and others praised the legislator it is to be seen how many of them follow the suit as suggested by Amabardar to use Bicycles at least once a week.
In Jammu and Kashmir or for that matter in India such gestures are normally forgotten after a photo opportunity but if we look around the world we find that in some countries even Prime Ministers pedal their way to the offices rejecting the so called VIP culture and contributing their bit towards the environment.
Ambardar is a grassroots level worker who connects to the masses and instead of terming this gesture as a photo op it is imperative that we read between the lines as what he wants to convey by the gesture.
We must make it a point that instead of leaving everything to politicians the common people can also emulate them and try to use such environmental friendly things at least once a week to initiate a chain which can turn into a big campaign in the state.
Since there are many initiatives to stop politicians from behaving as super lords such a gesture would surely go a long way to be an example for others to follow.
We have many more legislators who have been very simple in their lifestyle in the Jammu and Kashmir but what we miss is to highlight them well so that others are compelled to follow the suit.
We have seen some legislators riding pillion to motor bikes to attend assembly but using an environmental friendly Bicycle is a step ahead of time and deserves appreciation.
Ambardar told the media that, “My decision behind pedaling my way to the Assembly was to convey a message that we need to preserve our environment and say no to the VIP culture,” adding “Kashmir is a favourite tourism destination. There is immediate need to take these types of initiatives so that there is promotion of green energy which will eventually reduce the carbon emission,”
On security threat to his life due to his open pedaling through Srinagar city he said “I felt no threat while pedaling my way to the Assembly. There is no reason to be afraid as life and death is in the hands of almighty,”
To conclude while we appreciate the step taken by the legislator we also hope that all other people as well as legislators and ministers will follow the suit and use such gestures at least once a week to start a chain reaction in the state for preserving environment and saying no to VIP culture.