Jammu, February 28: Arvind Kejriwal and his party Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has set new trends in politics by grabbing power in shortest possible time and also hitting the world headlines through sheer publicity reaching as far as challenging the Prime Minister Narendra Modi notwithstanding his long political history.
However everybody was curious how he did it as it was evident that Kejriwal was never interested in real politics but the politics of a new style that involved more of high-end publicity blitz than the real ground work for the masses.
While his first stint as Delhi Chief Minister did not last long due to his ambition of becoming the Prime Minister of India he realized his mistake and focused on one state using all his media skills and the loads of money for his personal publicity that was donated by the public in good faith hoping Indian politics was soon going to change for good.
However all that proved a big hoax after he swept the Delhi elections and the first indication of the coming events one got was a whopping five hundred crore budget for the advertisement and publicity.
The move attracted large-scale criticism but Kejriwal being the master of it all ignored the hue and cry to continued as Delhi Chief Minister without reacting to his publicity budget and then beginning a publicity blitz soon after taking over to replace real ground work by publicity hoardings all over Delhi.
But what has baffled the ordinary citizen of India was the fact that Arvind Kejriwal was promoting himself and his government though the money of the tax payers even in places where AAP does not have visible presence or stakes.
But as soon as the indications for holding Panchayti elections and ULBs were given the shrewd politician soon diverted the money of Delhi budget in other states that included the state of Jammu and Kashmir where people hardly have any interest or requirements what his government was doing in Delhi.
The publicity blitz for the last few days in Jammu and Kashmir with three to four full page colour advertisements in local dailies depicting the achievements of AAp government of Delhi is enough indication that Kejriwal has mastered the art of abusing power and there can be no better example than the current media blitz where public money is being thrown down the drain with an eye on the forthcoming local body elections.
The height is that instead of saying the achievements of Delhi government the advertisements under the guise of news events focuses on AAP government of Delhi.
The need of the hour is to seek a probe into the working of Delhi government and ask the Delhi Chief Minister what purpose was served in spending lakhs on advertisements in J&K that too displaying the achievements of ‘AAP’ government of Delhi and not the Delhi Government.
Since Kejriwal is the master media manager the advertisements have cleverly been inserted as three to four pages of achievements of AAP government in Delhi as news so that he can escape the allegations that advertisements have been released to media.
This rampant abuse of power must be exposed so that the real intentions of Kejriwal are brought out in public and asked why the money that should have been used in Delhi is shamelessly being used in J&K, Punjab, and elsewhere to gain politician mileage for a party that claims to be heading the most honest and transparent government of India.
The abuse of power that is on display is a disturbing trend and AAP and Kejriwal have set new standards of misusing the public money on self publicity.
The public probity demands that public must raise fingers over such rampant abuse of power and stop governments from misusing their hard earned money on some bodies’ political publicity rather than on public welfare.
The man who challenges everybody under the sun must be asked a few questions on his own public probity now.