Jammu, February 25: Indian ‘sicklur’ gang is a strange tribe that prides itself on everything that is anti-India, anti-establishment if it is dominated by Hindus and things that bring disrepute to the country taking some kind of sadistic pleasure by hurting their own nation.
This ‘sicklur’ brigade earlier supported the award wapsi gang to demean the nation and its leaders and now everyone is lapping up the anti-national brigade to secure their vote bank as if the nationalists were a bunch of fools who don’t need to be wooed by the politicians.
After JNU incident the ‘sicklur’ brigade has suddenly found a new love for the traitors of JNU and even the Parliament attacker Afzal Guru.
While Smriti Irani tore apart the lovers of the anti-nationals yesterday it was the turn of Venkaiah Naidu today to ask the brigade whether similar sentiments were necessary and why some people were out to give respectability to anti-nationals.
Former Home Minister P Chidambaram today came under attack from BJP in Parliament with Ministers Arun Jaitley and M Venkaiah Naidu frowning upon comments attributed to him regarding Afzal Guru, who was hanged for terror attack on Parliament in 2001.
Jaitley, while speaking in the Rajya Sabha on the JNU row, asked Congress not to give “respectability” to anti-Indian protests and referred to the comment by a “distinguished former colleague” supporting the arguments of those lauding Guru, an apparent reference to Chidambaram.
In the Lok Sabha, Naidu said, without taking the name of Chidambaram, that “nobody has the right to express such an opinion and create dissatisfaction among people.”
Left members were seen asking the Minister as to why he was not taking the name of Chidambaram.
Chidambaram has been quoted as having said in a newspaper interview that he felt it was possible to hold an “honest opinion” that the Afzal Guru case was “perhaps not correctly decided” and that there were “grave doubts about the extent of his involvement” in the Parliament attack. Afzal Guru was hanged on February 9, 2013.
Chidambaram was Union home minister when Afzal Guru’s mercy plea was rejected by the previous UPA government in 2011.
Naidu said it was not correct on the part of former Home Minister to express such an opinion in the Afzal Guru case.
“Can any university in the USA observe death aniversary of Osama Bin Laden”, Naidu wondered asserting that JNU-type incidents would not be tolerated.
“We will do everything to preserve unity and integrity of this country,” he said observing that people should not sympathise with anti-nationals.
Another news portal writes, “Isn’t that just peachy? P C Chidambaram now wakes up to the possibility that Afzal Guru may not have been that involved in the attack on Parliament. Just a bit, not that much, oops, 32% less, let’s make a clean breast of it.
Hello? It took 15 years and a bunch of students creating a ruckus for him to have this epiphany and wake up to a whole new ball of wool? Wasn’t the whole trial on his party’s watch? Wasn’t the Congress in command for all the years all the way to the hanging tree? And when Guru was hanged in 2013 it was after rejections of pleas by the Supreme Court and the President. So why this deliberate attempt to obfuscate matters now?
You want to be anti-Modi at least have the grace not to be so blatantly hypocritical.
To be absolutely fair, it is the BJP who inherited this issue and had nothing to do with it except being in power when the assault took place and 14 people were killed including 5 terrorists intent on committing mayhem.
The UPA government had over a decade to exercise whatever options it wanted to, including setting the self-confessed man free. It did not take any action. Who stopped them, what stopped them?
In 2013, the Congress cabal was keen to show its credentials to its vote banks and counter the speeding Modi bandwagon. So the case moved without delay. It was the Congress that refused to give the body after the execution to the family so it could not become a rallying point. If Chidambaram has now got a public change of heart and is indicting his own party one has to ask how all Congress guys who are now projecting a bleeding heart are not anti-national in the current context of the word.
Here is a man against whom evidence of involvement was way beyond reasonable doubt. He was charged under section 121 of waging war against the state.
The Vice President’s car was targeted.
The death toll of innocents was 9 people: go ask their families how they feel. Another 13 received injuries… This was not a picnic in the park, let’s stop romanticising it.
Afzal Guru confessed to his role. He had no regret nor any expression of it. On the contrary he wrote this message in 2008 to Hizbul Mujahideen chief Syed Salahuddin that he does not regret carrying out the attack. Guru said that the 13 December attack was linked to the Kashmir issue and also urged Salahuddin not to consider it as a “conspiracy.”
The Supreme Court rejected his final appeal against the death sentence. The President of India rejected his mercy petition. It was an attack on the symbol of the country.
It led to a troop movement of 100,000 soldiers to the border in preparation of a possible war. Afzal took sleuths to his hiding places from where explosives were discovered.
And you, PC, are technically indicting the Supreme Court for having goofed up. By going against the Supreme Court, are you not in contempt?
If Chidambaram, Rahul, Shashi Tharoor and other such liberal folks who are now actually inciting the students of JNU even further with their cleverly sculpted support because it is actually so exploitative, it should be asked why were they silent all these years.
If they had falsely put a man to death would it not hang heavy on their conscience? They would be having trouble sleeping at night, drenched with guilt. Three years since the hanging and they lived with it, they were good to go. And it is only now that that there is this profound revelation.
If the Congress had won the last general election it is a safe bet these guys would have been as silent as Tuntakhamen’s tomb. They will even risk going against their state to win back lost ground such is the unbelievable avarice for power. Makes one wonder why we have politicians at all.