Jammu, December 15: Strange are the ways of politicians who change colours like chameleon according to situation they are in and not according to the benefit of those who have elected them to power.
The body language and the actual language shows a drastic change within a politician in power and out of it as if compared, their own statements and utterances are contradictory, but then they are also said to have developed a thick skin that remains aloof of the criticism or embarrassments.
Had it not been so one would not have come across politicians demanding one thing while in opposition and rejecting the same when in power?
The recent OROP issue can be taken as an example while misuse of official machinery during Congress rule is just another example in the long list of such contradictory activities of the politics.
The latest is the hoarse cries of Arvind Kejriwal alleging witch hunting by BJP particularly Narendra Modi to target the Delhi chief minister stooping so low as to call the PM of a country ‘Psychopath’.
The problem started with National Herald case with Congress alleging politics of vendetta and leaving no stone unturned to drive home the point that BJP lead by Narendra Modi was trying to implicate Gandhi family in false cases notwithstanding the fact that it was the court that had found problems with the case and not PMO.
Joining the bandwagon Arvind Kejriwal also jumped the gun by calling the CBI raids in the office of his principal secretary as Modi’s vendetta trying to tarnish the image of Arvind Kejriwal to take revenge of the Delhi poll debacle.
However the common man is puzzled by such wild allegations and counter allegations wondering whether political power means immunity in disguise for the politicians as Arvind Kejriwal would like us to believe.
Why is Arvind Kejriwal baffled at CBI raids on his Principal Secretary’s office if he has nothing to hide? Does his being the chief minister automatically mean that neither he nor his cabinet colleagues or his secretaries can be touched when in power to hide their misdeeds during their earlier tenure?
Why is not such facility being debated by these politicians for the common man? Why should Congress stall the Parliament and in the process stall the whole nation just because courts have asked them to appear in a case that implicates them in financial embezzlement.
Does this mean that even courts of this country must first see whether the accused are in power or out of it? And in Rahul and Sonia Gandhi’s case even that is also being termed as vendetta politics.
The CBI which is said to be an autonomous body is targeted time and again by the politicians accusing each other of letting it after the people who oppose the ruling government without caring how much damage using it or just maligning it is causing to the image of the nation and that of the autonomous investigating body.
However what the common man wants is that neither politicians nor the premier agency must take things in their own hand to achieve their political motives as it would be better to prepare for answers before any such raid or investigation so that they are not under scanner for their integrity.
At the same time politicians must also learn to behave and instead of looting the exchequer while in power try to hold their temptation knowing well that when in opposition they might have to face the heat, for a true gentleman never fears anything whether the government or the courts.