Jammu, January 03: Indian has a rich tradition of leading a complete and holistic life through our own indigenous way of living which dates back to the times of Rishis’ and Munis’ of yore who gave us Ayurveda, Naturopathy and Yoga.
These three Indian Systems which are also being propagated in a big way now have taken care of the health of Indians since times immemorial and also taught the world the richness of this system which not only focuses on medicines and other alternative methods but also the complete holistic way of life.
It is this richness that has made India a spiritual hub where all the westerners howsoever high have descended to seek salvation and peace even as we Indians have been ignoring our own traditions and falling prey to the western concept of short cuts in the health care.
It was in this background that Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday pitched for integrating yoga and traditional Indian medicine more closely into the health care system and make wellness a part of life for all in India and rest of the world.
Inaugurating an “International Conference on Frontiers in Yoga Research and its Applications” at Jigani, Bengaluru, he asked health professionals, policy makers, government organisations and industry to bridge the distance between the various forms of medicine systems.
“I hope that you will integrate yoga and traditional Indian medicine more closely into our health care system…,” Modi told the gathering at the Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana.
“My vision for health care is an integrated system that understands and builds on the best and most effective of different traditions,” the Prime Minister said.
Modern systems of medicine have transformed health care, screening, detection and diagnosis of diseases and use of technology has reduced barriers to accessing health care, and improved our understanding of disease patterns, Modi said. Breakthroughs in medicines and vaccines have also helped conquer and contain many diseases.
“But, as our understanding of its limitation and its side effects have grown, as we have experienced the growing costs of modern medicine systems, we have begun to look beyond to traditional systems, not just in India, but in other countries as well,” Modi said.
Citing studies estimating that India stands to lose about $4.58 trillion before 2030 due to non-communicable diseases and mental health conditions, Modi said the question of psychological state of “our existence must be addressed as much as we try to advance our physical and material life.
“This is where the role of Yoga is paramount. Across the world, there are moving stories of transformed lives and rekindled hopes due to Yoga. The prediction of Shri Aurobindo that Indian Yoga is potentially one of these dynamic elements of the future life of humanity is coming true,” he said.
Coming as it is from none other than the prime minister himself what we need to understand is that one must believe in his roots if at all one wants to grow taller in the world order and having roots like India one must not only be proud but also eager to inherit this rich culture, and holistic way of life to show the world that India is a land of peace, progress and wisdom which has cure for every problem that inflicts the world today. This is real contribution to our nation which has found a new recognition in the world after PM Modi took over the reins of the nation.