Jammu, September 11: While Jammuites are fighting tooth and nail to get AIIMS in Jammu the already existing health infrastructure is in shambles and lacks not only basic amenities but also the concern of the hospital administration which seems in deep slumber leaving the patients at the mercy of God.
Government Medical College being the centre of the health activity in Jammu presents a sorry state of affairs while its emergency wing looks like a railway station where everyone is jostling about under the poorly maintained wards and badly designed emergency wards.
One wonders who was employed by the concerned authorities to design the expansion of the emergency wing as no proper ventilation system has been put in place and it looks as if the entire work was done by an illiterate ‘mistry’ to fill the gaps for the formality sake.
The hygienic conditions are pathetic and less said the better with the attendants of the patients queuing up everywhere to take food and throw away the left over garbage without any check creating a mess of sorts and making the place risky for infections.
Even though the doctors are trying their best to cope up with the rush the shortage of the doctors is telling upon the services being provided to the patients that too during emergencies when the lives are at stake.
The congestion and rude security staff make the matters worse while the higher-ups have a sound sleep oblivious of the ground realties at the so called premier medical institute of the region.
Those fighting for AIIMS in Jammu must turn their heads towards this pathetic place and try to force the government to act before it is too late.
The health minister who has been in the news for many reasons also seems oblivious of the fact that poor patients are suffering the indifference of the administration.
The emergency wing which is the most important place in the hospital like GMC should have been properly maintained and well designed to cope up with the rush of the patients who need immediate medical care and sufficient facilities provided to doctors to treat the patients well.
A visit to the place gives a look of a poorly maintained hospital where the doctors are using the infrastructure that in any good hospital can be treated as defunct but in Jammu the same defunct machinery and other facilities are being utilized to treat emergencies in Jammu.
The emergency wing is also a testimony that non technical people have been involved to design the wing creating a mess of sorts and expecting doctors to give their best shot.
Even though it is doctors who face the wrath of the agitated patients but the fact also remains that they are not only overworked but also lack facilities to treat emergencies.
Shortage of beds is another impediment that becomes a stumbling block in medical care even though in the entire hospital it should be the emergency that should be fully equipped with most modern medical equipments and other facilities.
The principal of the college seems ignorant about the hospital that he manages while people continue to suffer.
The EarthNews has decided to follow the health care in the region and try to keep a tab on the Medical authorities to keep them on tenterhooks in providing best possible medical care to patients.
Jammu needs good hospitals and restructuring of the existing medical facilities rather than AIIMs on papers.