Jammu, December 27: Indiaseems to have come of age and all set to be on a roll to reclaim its position as the jagat guru of yore in the fields of literature, science, technology and economy as world has started taking note of this emerging power in South Asia.
With Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the helm the predications seem more accurate and round the corner as with his charisma and dedication to project India as one of the major and serious players in the global world order the perception about India has drastically changed now.
In space science India is progressing in leaps and bounds and after Modi gave a free hand to scientists the speed has accelerated further which is why K. Radhakrishnan, former Chairman of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has said that India is a role model for space applications in the world.
Speaking to budding engineers at the IIT Bombay Techfest on Saturday, he said India was a role model for space applications in the world adding it was eighteen-hour work days, scanning past ‘failed’ missions and rigorous planning that went in for space missions Chandrayaan and Mangalyaan.
Dr Radhakrishnan said before starting work on the Chandrayaan mission to the moon, the team studied 51 projects that took the journey to the moon, of which 60 per cent had failed.
He said, “We learnt from them and their mistakes.” ISRO adopted corrective and connective systems. He said it was important to provide autonomy to space craft, not control the ground staff but ensure that the satellite does not take wrong decisions. He added, the space environment was complex and temperature variations must be tapped.
He said the ISRO had robust mission planning and wanted to contribute might for national pride, and required rigorous execution. He said people worked for 18 hours a day and were learning everyday. He added, “The distance between national shame and national fame was very less.” Highlighting the criticism faced by India for the project, he said everyone kept asking why India should it take up the Rs. 450 crore project?
It is also a fact that most of the developing or developed nations are looking towards India to take their space payloads through indigenous rockets as Indian space engineering is perfect and cost effective as compared to other big nations like America and Russia.
Since the future of the world lies in space technology and space missions it is heartening to note that India is not lagging far behind and while on economic front it was progressing fast the space arena is already having India as a major player.
The scientists at ISRO are also cooperating with other international agencies to develop future space missions jointly to explore the vast universe and the day is not far when Indian scientists would be at par with NASA scientists as India’s ancient space science is also being analyzed to establish how futuristic space missions found mentioned in Hindu Scriptures while the mention of aircrafts was a routine affair in the holy text books.
The scientists around the world are also probing the ancient monuments in India to gain knowledge about the treasure trove of ancient knowledge that is said to be far ahead of times when analyzed scientifically.
It is hoped that India will be the top most leader in science and technology owing to the fact that most of the worlds science and technology leaders are manned by Indian origin people and what is need is to identify and encourage the local talent to stop the brain drain from India and utilize it at home.