Jammu, February 02: India has seen a boom in electronic channel journalism for the past some years with everybody who is somebody launching a television channel to grind his own axe either to settle political scores or go to any extent to lap up TRPs hardly bothering whether they are actually contributing anything positive to society.
The TRP related debates are manufactured rather discussed for the national interest in television studios with every channel conveniently editing the portions that they want to discuss and that they want to hide from the public.
The irony however is that in this modern technologically advanced world people already know everything but still get befooled by the politicians and debates on the TV channels.
The intolerance debate was recently replaced by Rohit Vemula suicide case and as usual the focal point of every negative debate these days is Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi as if he was the feudal lord of the country who is responsible for all the ills even if they occur under the regimes of the opposition parties.
The Vemula debate has now gone further and ‘converted’ into police ‘brutality’ on female students protesting outside RSS office in New Delhi again the target being Modi.
However what one wonders is why these TV channels indulge in one sided debates just to tarnish the image of Modi little caring that tarnishing the image of a prime minister amounts to tarnishing the image of 1.25 billion strong nation who have mandated him to govern.
The debaters have raised the pitch of their voices against ‘intolerant’ saffron brigade and BJP but the anchors forget to ask the protestors or the debaters why they chose RSS if they had no political motives. What has RSS to do with Vemula suicide case as it is the domain of the state government and not even Modi then how come they went protesting outside RSS headquarters?
Another question they don’t ask to the debaters is why they are supporting so much a person who had openly supported anti-national terrorist Yakoob Memon’s hanging and when he has himself asked not to blame anybody then how come they are blaming the central government (read Modi). Why the video footage of police beating the students is shown and not the videos where girls are hurling filthiest of abuses on the Prime Minister of India and singing in chorus using filthiest of languages. Where does their morality and tolerance go when they abuse their own prime minister?
The problem with such debates is that they are deliberately kept one sided to settle political scores little caring that they were damaging the image of their own country worldwide.
Another irony is that while world is praising Modi his own people are abusing him day in and day out which speaks volumes about the intellectual maturity of these debaters.
We must understand that such one sided debates are actually making a mockery of democracy in India and time has come when we need to draw a line between criticism and abuse of democracy where we have become so shallow that even top most anchors of the TV industry don’t try to clear the mist that a small incident happening in a state cannot be blamed on the PM of the country before taking the concerned chief minster to task.
Lets us not poke fun on ourselves and desist from abusing the freedom that democracy has given to us lest we prove Churchil right that Indians’ are basically men of straw.