Jammu, February 21: The quota stirs seem to have hit the Indian political space in a big way taking with it every logic and common sense and threatening to create many more divisions within the society to take it to dark ages.
The reservation phobia is slowly taking a dangerous twist where the society seems to be heading towards a civil war in near future where everyone will seek reservation without any concern how much the reservation system has hurt this nation since its independence.
The reservation which was thought of by the farsighted people who formulated the provisions of the Indian constitution had perhaps visualized a day when everyone would be fighting for his share of the quota and thus had given it a time frame till the weaker and ignored sections of the society gain some confidence in the new democratic system of India.
However the ‘men of straw’, the term that Winston Churchil is supposed to have used for the corrupt political class of India, have ensured that they live upto the tag and kept the reservations going on either for political considerations or for other vested interests creating a situation in India where the so called upper class now feels threatened by the quotas as it is likely to push them to wall sooner than later.
The quota stirs of the type of Hardik Patels and Jat Quota stir is nothing but a bad omen for the peace and progress of India having all the ingredients of a situation that will take this society to barbarism, illiteracy and finally civil war.
The time demands that the government of India takes some practical decisions before it is too late to stop this nonsense forever.
India does not need reservations at this juncture but a government that not only believes but also implements equal justice for all sections of the society and reservation is a big hurdle in such a step.
Reservations have only brought problems to the society where even the people worth crores and most influential are taking advantage of the quota only because of their caste or birthplace while those having the tag of upper caste are suffering even if they belong to the poorest of the poor section of the society.
A situation in the country has been created where even the hundred percent is less to offer reservation to seekers as everybody wants more percentage and not willing to share the quota within the percentage that the Supreme Court of this country has ruled.
The problem actually lies with the political classes who keep mum or whip up the emotions not according to the needs of the people or the requirements of the country but their own narrow political ends pushing the nation to dark ages.
The current agitation however seems something more than mere vote bank politics as the way Patel Quota stir or now the Jat quota stir or even the JNU type incidents are happening in the country it is clear that some external forces are financing these stirs to destabilize the elected government as it does not suit those who have been destroying the country for the past six decades.
People have now begun to seek politicians like pre-independence British who ruled with iron hand but were progressive in nature and treated Indians badly because they knew that ‘leaders’ of this country would abuse the democracy instead of using it for progress and development.
The only solution to these quota stirs is to take a hard and tough decision to remove all kinds of reservations from this country and introduce some novel concepts to pull the weaker section out of the vicious circle of poverty until then the country will continue to burn.