Jammu, February 10: The controversial seminar in Jawahar Lal Nehru University (JNU) on the hanging of Parliament Attack mastermind Afzal Guru where anti-India slogans were traded freely and whole atmosphere converted into an anti-India zone needs not only condemnation but also serious investigation and punishment lest freedom of speech is construed as freedom to indulge in anti-national activities by the enemy agents.
The seminar at the first place should not have taken place but given the fact that JNU has been ruled by the leftists lobby which unfortunately has been championing causes which are more anti-national than critical of the government it was only obvious on the day which the JNU authorities conveniently ignored.
However the anti-national act needs to be taken to logical legal ending now to send a clear message that Indian soil can’t be allowed to be used for anti-national activities.
The incident also needs in-depth investigation to know whosoever was behind this act so that all of them are booked under the charges of sedition and put behind the bars.
In India the lethargy and appeasement policy of the political class that ruled this country for more than sixty years has emboldened the anti-national elements to such an extent that even anti-national sloganeering is being justified by the so called intellectuals forgetting that they too were the citizens of this country and might face the wrath of terrorism one day or the other.
The politically motivated seminar has exposed the enemy within and must be brought out in public so that India is not taken for granted by the anti-national elements any more.
Since Kashmir forms the core issue in such anti-national activities one wonders what the Kashmiris were fighting for through such anti-national events as they have got independence in 1947 and after elections are the citizens of a sovereign nation still swearing by the enemy nation.
The democracy in India has been abused by such people and things like article 370, and PRC etc have been misused over the years.
It is only due to bad democracy of India that has encouraged these people to act against the nation while enjoying all the facilities of the nation and had they been the citizens of China, Russia or America they would have faced serious charges of treason and hanged by the so called modern democracies by now.
Indian government needs to pull its socks now and put a full stop to such anti-national activities on its soil by the citizens of the country and book them under sedition charges to put them behind the bars lest the common Indian citizen forms a poor image of the current government which otherwise seems the only hope for nationalist Indians at present.
The government must give a clear signal through its fast paced action that anti-national activities won’t be tolerated and people should not misuse the freedom that democracy gives them.
It must tell the people that Right to freedom does not mean Right to anti-national activities.